sabato 1 giugno 2019

Poste Italiane and Microsoft: a digital alliance to support the sustainable growth of the Group

Press release 29 gennaio 2019

Expanded collaboration with Microsoft to evolve the customer experience through a digital platform, which enables a more integrated and tailored Customer Relationship Management and turns information into strategic insights.

Poste Italiane Group expands its collaboration with Microsoft to support its Digital Transformation plan – both in the Retail and Business space - and adopts Microsoft's Customer Relationship Management cloud platform with the aim of improving their customer experience. Consistently with Poste’s attention towards the integration of the physical and digital channels, the project aims at the unification of the CRM platform for the enterprise, SMB and retail areas and merges with the broader plan Deliver 2022 in order to maximize the value of the largest Italian distribution network for a sustainable growth.
In order to strengthen its positioning in an increasingly competitive and constantly evolving market, Poste Italiane aims at offering a better service to customers, thanks to a more integrated and customized relationship management, regardless of the branch of activity, whether it is mail and parcel delivery, financial and insurance services, payment systems and mobile telephony. Poste Italiane has developed a broad digital transformation project and, thanks to the strategic partnership with Microsoft, which primarily leverages the flexibility of the Dynamics 365 cloud platform, it will address a complete and always up-to-date view of users and in progress activities, in order to improve the experience and offer more and more integrated services.
Therefore, with the CRM solution Dynamics 365, Poste Italiane will leverage advanced business applications and intuitive graphical reports, all with maximum security and privacy guarantees compliant with the highest international standards and GDPR. Thanks to smarter processes and ability to turn information into strategic insights, the Group aims not only at increasing penetration and cross-selling opportunities, but also to streamline the work organization, with the ultimate goal of improving the customer experience.
Very attentive in exploiting the entire potential of Digital, Poste Italiane is looking with interest also at Artificial Intelligence developments and, in the future, the project in collaboration with Microsoft will evolve including the development of a chatbot as a further communication channel addressed to customers, in order to answer their requests in a more efficient and timely manner. 
“We’re going to play an important role in Italy’s digital transformation and we want to be equipped with solutions that enable us to enhance our physical network, bringing it even closer to the needs and demands of our 34 million customers. The collaboration with Microsoft is therefore fully in line with our Deliver 2022 strategic plan because by optimizing the relationship with our customers we can better understand the changing needs of consumers and businesses, building on and consolidating our leadership and positioning for the country’s growth”, Matteo Del Fante, CEO and GM at Poste Italiane, stated.
"Poste Italiane is a key part of the social and productive fabric of the Country and we are proud to put our expertise at the service of their digital transformation path. This is the largest cloud adoption project of Customer Relationship Management on Microsoft technology in Italy and we are sure it will contribute to the efficiency and sustainable growth of the Group, with a positive impact on the 13,000 post offices, 134,000 Employees and 34 million customers on the territory. Thanks to new technologies, it will be possible to improve the work organization, streamline processes and manage the relationship with customers in an effective way, in order to offer a service more tailored to citizens. In the future, artificial intelligence will also play a key role in this scenario”, Silvia Candiani, CEO at Microsoft Italia, claimed.

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