sabato 15 giugno 2024

On June 13th, OpenAI announced the addition of retired General Paul M. Nakasone to its Board of Directors.

According to OpenAI’s executives, General Nakasone’s presence on the Board brings valuable cybersecurity expertise. He will join the Board’s Safety and Security Committee.

Nakasone’s appointment reflects OpenAI’s commitment to security and protection, and underscores the growing importance of cybersecurity as AI technology continues to develop and impact society.

Nakasone will also contribute to OpenAI’s efforts to better understand how AI can be used to strengthen cybersecurity.

According to company executives, AI has the potential to provide significant benefits for many institutions that are frequently targeted by cyber attacks, such as hospitals, schools, and financial institutions.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to have huge positive impacts on people’s lives, but it can only reach this potential if these innovations are securely built and deployed, said Bret Taylor, Chair of OpenAI’s Board of Directors.

It is important to remember that retired U.S. Army General Paul M. Nakasone is a leading expert in the field of cybersecurity. Throughout his career as an Army officer, he was instrumental in the creation of U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He has led USCYBERCOM and the National Security Agency (NSA), tasked with protecting the United States' digital infrastructure and enhancing the country’s cyber defense capabilities. He has served in command and staff positions at all levels of the U.S. Army, with assignments in elite cyber units in the United States, South Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Beyond General Nakasone’s undeniable professionalism, one might immediately think of a possible greater involvement of American institutions in OpenAI’s affairs. A figure of such high caliber is, in my opinion, exactly what is needed to engage with important public administration institutions on equal terms.

We will see what the future holds.

Alessandro Rugolo

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