sabato 15 giugno 2019

Kaspersky becomes partner of the Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS) in Germany

Press Release

Cybersecurity expert brings German companies together with the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and other partners

Kaspersky has been a partner in the Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS), initiated by the German Federal Office for Information Security, since June 2019. Whether it’s protecting against generic malware or targeted attacks, the current cyber-threat situation in Germany requires networked action by all industries and players. As a partner of ACS, Kaspersky will share its expertise as an expert in cybersecurity with participants, in order to strengthen the resilience of Germany.
The Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit was founded at the end of 2012 by the BSI, in cooperation with Germany´s digital association Bitkom. The bundled range of expertise of the participating companies and institutions will increase cybersecurity in Germany and strengthen its resilience against cyber-threats.
„We are proud to contribute as a partner to the Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit,” said Milos Hrncar, General Manager DACH at Kaspersky. „We are keen to share our knowledge, as well as the forensic experience of our analysts, to help in the fight against cyber-threats. We are looking forward to working together with other partners to ensure that Germany as a business location is prepared for current and future cyber-threats. Human vulnerability remains one of the biggest challenges in IT security, so we will also provide our security awareness and specific training to all ACS members.”
Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation for ACS participants
In addition to actively solving cyber-threats, this partnership will see Kaspersky help strengthen cybersecurity knowledge for all members. The firm will also provide ACS organisations with exclusive access to its Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) exercise, which helps increase cybersecurity awareness of managers and decision-makers. KIPS takes the form of a simulation game, exposing participants to a variety of cyber-threats in a simulated business environment. This helps participants develop a cyber-defense strategy for their own organisation, whilst effectively managing the business.

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