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mercoledì 24 aprile 2019

13 aprile 1519: nasce una regina

13 aprile 1519, in una Firenze saldamente in mano alla famiglia dei Medici, nasce Caterina, figlia di Lorenzo de' Medici duca di Urbino (e nipote di papa Leone X) e la principessa francese Maddalena de la Tour d'Auvergne. 
Per chi, italiano, si trova a passare da Parigi è d'obbligo andare a visitare la basilica di Saint Denis.  Situata a nord di Parigi, raggiungibile con la metro, è una delle più grandi basiliche gotiche della Francia, al suo interno vi sono sepolti i re della Francia dal X secolo al 1789 con poche eccezioni.  
Entrati nella basilica per vedere la tomba di Caterina, ci troviamo immersi nella suggestiva cerimonia del venerdì santo, la Via Crucis. Ancora pochi giorni ed è Pasqua. Il mausoleo e la tomba del re Enrico II e di sua moglie Caterina si trovano nella navata di sinistra. Ci sediamo, la cerimonia non ci consente di avvicinarci troppo. La penombra e i canti sacri aiutano a riflettere e ricordare. Qualche settimana prima abbiamo visitato il castello di Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Sede del museo nazionale di archeologia, ospitava la mostra sul re Enrico II ed in quella occasione abbiamo potuto osservare i dipinti del re e della sua sposa, Caterina. La ricchezza degli abiti non può non colpire 
Caterina è passata alla storia non solo per essere la moglie del re di Francia. Di lei si sa che amava a tal punto la cucina fiorentina (qualcuno dice "italiana", ma allora l'Italia come noi la conosciamo non c'era ancora...) da essersi portata alla corte i cuochi più esperti (assieme alla forchetta, allora ancora sconosciuta a Parigi). 
La regina é spesso considerata sospettosa, gelosa e machiavellica ma molto probabilmente agì come agì per preservare il trono ai figli minori. Amava circondarsi di studiosi e di artisti, spesso italiani, e lei stessa si cimentava nello scrivere, almeno nel campo del governo dello Stato. 
Nel 1564 scrive una lettera al figlio Charles IX, dal titolo chiarificatore : « Pour la police de Cour et pour le gouvernement », in cui descrive l’impiego del tempo di un re e il comportamento da tenere alla corte.  Sicuramente era una donna forte e non si privava di dire la sua. Non a caso Honoré de Balzac, nella introduzione al romanzo storico « Sur Catherine de Médicis », la definisce come la donna che a salvato la corona di Francia grazie alle sue rare qualità: i doni più preziosi dell’Uomo di Stato. 
Il suo più grosso problema lo ebbe con la religione. Suo marito, il re Enrico II, aveva sempre combattuto con forza il protestantesimo ma alla sua morte, nel 1559, un gruppo di protestanti di Amboise tenta di a seguito di sequestrare il figlio Francesco II (successore del padre Enrico II). Il tentativo é sventato grazie al servizio di informatori esistente in Francia e i complottisti vengono messi a morte per impiccagione e il loro capo è tagliato in cinque pezzi. Caterina non ha alcuna difficoltà ad approvare le azioni repressive.  La Francia sprofonda in una sanguinosa guerra civile che la regina cercherà in ogni modo di ricomporre, con alterni successi. Caterina cercherà infatti di promuovere un rapporto di maggiore libertà e di tolleranza nei confronti delle religioni. 
Le guerre di religione in Francia proseguiranno fino al 1598 quando Enrico IV firmerà l’editto di Nantes concedendo alcune libertà di culto e politiche ai protestanti, ma per quella data Caterina non era già più protagonista da alcuni anni… Caterina, regina di Francia in qualità di moglie del re Enrico II, morirà il 5 gennaio 1589, nel castello di Blois, lasciando ai posteri il ricordo di una donna forte, inflessibile, responsabile di atti politici che lasceranno il segno. Gelosa, dura, machiavellica? 
Non so, sicuramente "donna di potere" e "donna al potere" per buona parte del '500. 
A fine anno Caterina sarà ricordata nel corso dei attraverso le mostre "Les Tapisseries de la Reine" al Castello di Chaumont-sur-Loire e al Castello di Chenonceau. 

Alessandro Rugolo

sabato 20 aprile 2019

Fraport and Deutsche Bahn to Test Artificial Intelligence at Frankfurt Airport

Press release
A socially intelligent robot advises passengers

The robotic head smiles at the passenger and greets them: “My name is FRAnny. How can I help you?” FRAnny is an expert on Frankfurt Airport, and is able to answer a wide range of questions – including the correct gate, the way to a specific restaurant, and how to access the free Wi-Fi.
The robotic concierge is a cooperative project between Fraport AG, the operator of Frankfurt Airport (FRA), and DB Systel GmbH, Deutsche Bahn’s dedicated IT service provider. Travelers at major transportation hubs, such as airports and train stations, are very often in need of guidance. In these scenarios, digital assistants and robots can support human personnel by fielding routine inquiries, thus enhancing the customer service offering. A six-week trial at Frankfurt Airport, Germany’s largest aviation hub, will help evaluate FRAnny in terms of functionality, customer acceptance and its practical usefulness in everyday situations
FRAnny is based on an artificial intelligence and a cloud-based voice-user interface (VUI) that can be deployed in a variety of forms – including in chatbots, voice assistants and robots. This digital customer service system was developed by a team of Deutsche Bahn IT experts. Using data drawn from the airport’s information system, FRAnny is able to understand and answer questions relating to travel, airport facilities and more. In addition to providing flight information, FRAnny is well versed in small talk and can communicate in German, English and seven other languages.
Fraport and Deutsche Bahn have been jointly exploring the potential of artificially intelligent, voice-based customer service systems since 2017. The first pilot took place at Frankfurt Airport in spring 2018 using FRAnny’s predecessor: the four-week field trial was very successful. After approximately 4,400 interactions, 75 percent of passengers rated their exchange positively. Based on the feedback received, both the artificial intelligence (AI) component and the robot’s user interface were further improved. The more recent trial underscores both companies’ commitment to ongoing innovation in artificial intelligence and robotics. Moreover, it puts the implemented improvements through their paces under real-world conditions.
In June, the AI-based service is to be tested at Berlin central rail station – which has approximately 300,000 travelers and visitors every day. Human customer service agents at Deutsche Bahn’s information center will receive smart support from FRAnny’s sister, SEMMI.

“From Cloud to Cloud Intelligence” – Alibaba Cloud Outlines Strategic Upgrade after a Decade of Success

Press Release

Product launches in China to broaden Internet and digital technology adoption and empower ecosystem

Jeff Zhang, President of Alibaba Cloud and Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Group, elaborated on the strategic upgrade of the business at Alibaba Cloud Beijing Summit.

Beijing, March 21, 2019 – Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing and data intelligence arm of Alibaba Group, unveiled at its Beijing Summit the new strategy to develop the company into a more technologically inclusive platform. Jeff Zhang, President of Alibaba Cloud and Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Group, for the first time elaborated publicly on the strategic upgrade of the business – evolving to serve as a key component of the Alibaba Business Operating System, and empowering customers and ecosystem partners to win in the digital era. Over 3,000 ecosystem partners and industry practitioners attending the Summit have shared the development journey of the company over the past 10 years.
Cloud computing is becoming the main business focus of Alibaba Group and over the past decade Alibaba Cloud has been the technology and public cloud platform underpinning the entire Alibaba economy from e-commerce and payment, to logistics and supply chain management. The scalability, reliability, and security of Alibaba Cloud are paramount to the business and the platform has successfully sustained real-world tests on a daily basis, most notably during the Alibaba 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, the scale of which provides one of the biggest stress tests possible. Businesses of all sizes have leveraged these proven successes to grow and innovate in China and overseas.
Becoming an enabler of SaaS
“Alibaba has championed cloud computing in China over the past 10 years and has been at the forefront of rapid technology development. Today, Alibaba Cloud not only provides infrastructural support to the entire Alibaba economy but has also developed proven technologies to empower millions of customers in China and worldwide, significantly lowering cloud adoption barriers, ensuring inclusive access, and enabling collaboration throughout the ecosystem,” said Jeff Zhang.
“In the future, our highly compatible and standards-based platform will allow SaaS partners to onboard easily and thrive. The offerings will also be enriched by our continued investment in research through the Damo Academy, that will align data science with the development of our products. To empower all participants in our ecosystem, we will boost the integrated development of technology, products and services on our open platform,” he added.
Alibaba Cloud is the IaaS market leader in China with a larger share than the sum of the second to eighth players. The development of the IaaS market meant that in 2018, the cost of technology adoption for businesses in China has reduced significantly compared to 10 years ago.
New product launches to facilitate cloud adoption in China
Adoption of the cloud is expected to continue and become more immersive in the traditional sectors across China. The importance of digital intelligence will become more apparent as enterprises need to derive deeper business insights, make data-driven decisions, and take real-time actions. Alibaba Cloud will continue to invest in technological research and development, ensuring that the company has the capability to offer powerful computing and Internet-based technology products for the further adoption of cloud and data intelligence.
Over the past decade, Alibaba Cloud has developed 162 products and activated 4,610 product features and functions, an average of more than one a day. At the summit, the company announced a full suite of new products in China, with 3 highlights – a super-computing product, a cloud-native database as well as the accelerator to boost the SaaS ecosystem:
  • X-dragon Super-Computing Cluster instance SCC-GN6: The most powerful super-computing bare-metal server instance launched by the company to date, with the capability to enhance the cluster performance by more than 100%. This new instance provides 50 Gbps of RDMA networking throughput, 96 custom Intel Skylake vCPUs, 8 NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs, providing a total of 1000 TFlops to computational throughput, and high-performance parallel file system CPFS with 1TB/s R/W throughput. SCC-GN6 supports supercomputing scenarios such as autonomous driving, machine interpretation, natural language processing and recommendation systems.
  • PolarDB: A cloud-native relational database service that is designed for enterprise-grade database applications. PolarDB is compatible with Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL and offers excellent scalability with the architecture of hardware-software co-design. It can scale up to 88vCPUs and 710GB of memory and allows customers to pay for usage by the minute, enabling customers to handle a business peak traffic while minimizing cost. It can also scale up to 100TB in storage which helps customers cope with big data development.
  • SaaS Accelerator: A highly efficient and agile platform where ecosystem partners can easily build and launch SaaS applications and leverage Alibaba’s proven business and technology know-how. The accelerator helps SaaS customers quickly deploy and test their applications on the cloud, shorten the implementation lifecycle, and accelerate time-to-market. It features an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface and launch kit while remaining highly compatible with other application programming interfaces (APIs). With the accelerator, a smart SaaS application can go live in as little as five days.
For more information about 2019 Beijing Alibaba Cloud Summit and to view Jeff Zhang’s keynote speech from the event, go to:
About Alibaba Cloud
Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, the cloud computing and data intelligence arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers, according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.

giovedì 18 aprile 2019

L’Unione Europea riabilita Kaspersky ? Sembra di si, ma senza clamore...

E’ molto interessante notare come l’unione europea, spinta dal sacro fuoco della cyber defence, si sia spinta in passato in acque tempestose.
E’ di questi giorni un articolo firmato da Pierluigi Paganini su Security Affairs in cui si rende giustizia alla società russa Kaspersky, accusata dal Parlamento Europeo di produrre dei sistemi riconosciuti pericolosi, si legge infatti nel « Report on cyber defence» n. A8-0189/2018 dello scorso 25 maggio 2018 (pag. 19 e 20) :
Calls on the EU to perform a comprehensive review of software, IT and communications equipment and infrastructure used in the institutions in order to exclude potentially dangerous programmes and devices, and to ban the ones that have been confirmed as malicious, such as Kaspersky Lab”
Il Report, interessantissimo per tanti aspetti, in particolare perché da evidenza dei programmi europei in corso di sviluppo nel settore cyber é stato criticato da vari stati che non hanno riscontrato attività di spionaggio condotte dai software Kaspersky ai danni dei clienti (per lo meno niente di diverso da quanto facciano tutti, raccolta di informazioni e Analisi allo scopo di prevenzione e individuazione di minacce cyber ).
Il report é stato ancora oggetto di interesse da parte di un deputato europeo belga, Gerolf Annemans, che il 6 marzo scorso ha chiesto spiegazioni relative a quanto affermato nel Report :
Designating programmes and companies as ‘dangerous’ from the point of view of cyber defence
On 13 June 2018, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on cyber defence. Paragraph 76 names a private business, namely Kaspersky Lab, whose programmes it brands ‘dangerous’ and even ‘malicious’, without any further explanation.
1. Does the Commission know of any reason other than certain press articles that justifies the labelling of Kaspersky as ‘dangerous’ or ‘malicious’, especially since Member States such as Germany, France and Belgium do not perceive any problems with cooperation with the firm concerned.
2. Does the Commission know whether any programmes and devices other than those of Kaspersky were discussed with a view to an EU ban?.
3. Does the Commission know of any reports or opinions of cyber experts or consultancies about Kaspersky Lab, and can it give me references to them?

Stimolando di fatto la risposta scritta della Commissione Europea che con la risposta n. P-001206/2019(ASW) ha dovuto fare marcia indietro affermando di fatto di essersi sbagliati.
La Commissione infatti ha risposto di « … Commission is not in possession of any evidence regarding potential issues related to the use of Kaspersky Lab products. The Commission is following closely debates and developments concerning the security of IT products and devices in general, including discussions about potential measures related to access to the EU market. The EU is an open market, which can be accessed by foreign companies in compliance with EU rules. In addition, Member States have the competence to decide whether to exclude companies from their markets for national security reasons. Regarding reports or opinions published concerning the issue raised by the Honourable Member, the Commission did not commission any reports.”
Ora, mi preme soffermarmi su alcune considerazioni:
- a seguito del report del 2018 diversi paesi europei hanno bandito i prodotti Kaspersky dal proprio mercato nazionale, é il caso di UK, Lituania e Paesi Bassi. Il Report del 2018 infatti non lasciava adito a dubbi. Il comportamento ha dunque arrecato danno alla Società Kaspersky che probabilmente farà valere le sue ragioni in altra sede (magari legale !) ;
- la risposta della Commissione indica chiaramente di non possedere evidenze, contrariamente a quanto precedentemente affermato, ma aggiunge che non sarà commissionato alcun Report per approfondire la questione, relegandola cosi a « problema risolto, non degno di altra pubblicità… », cosa per lo meno dubbia. Infatti, sia che l’errore si sia verificato inizialmente indicando kaspersky Lab come non degna di fiducia, sia che l’errore sia commesso ultimamente, sarebbe logico dare luogo ad approfondimenti che dovrebbero essere resi pubblici in quanto vi potrebbero essere delle conseguenze sulla sicurezza cyber dei paesi membri (utilizzare o meno un prodotto significa infatti fare policy di sicurezza e non solo !!) ;
- si parla tanto dei prodotti di Cina e Russia e di presunte «problematiche di sicurezza» legate alla collaborazione tra le società e gli Stati di reciproca appartenenza (vedasi Huawey e Kaspersky… solo a titolo di esempio) ma non si parla affatto di quanto é accaduto nel tempo con prodotti di produttori occidentali e dei presunti atti di spionaggio da loro compiuti, perché? Se l’interesse é realmente quello di proteggersi, allora nella lista del Report Cyber UE potevano essere inclusi tanti altri «sospetti»…
Tutto cio’ per dire che, forse, é opportuno approfondire e fare attenzione ai giudizi affrettati, spesso forieri di decisioni errate e alle quali non sempre é possibile fare fronte semplicemente innestando la marcia indietro. A volte la mancanza di fiducia (immeritata) puo’ causare ferite difficili da rimarginare.

Alessandro Rugolo

Per approfondire:

domenica 14 aprile 2019

La Francia si impone alla Locked Shield 2019

Se pur la Locked Shield non è altro che una esercitazione, dunque con tutti i limiti del caso, si tratta di un evento importante nel panorama Cyber mondiale  e, almeno così sembra, la Francia ha raggiunto il suo obiettivo: vincere! Repubblica Ceca e Svezia si sono classificate rispettivamente seconda e terza. 

L'anno scorso vi era arrivata vicinissima, seconda dopo il team NATO e davanti ai vincitori del 2017, il team della Repubblica Ceca.  

Per la Francia non si può certo dire che si tratti di un caso, chi segue da vicino lo sviluppo della materia non avrà difficoltà a riconoscerlo.
L'organizzazione cyber nazionale francese e quella militare hanno infatti usufruito di un trattamento attento da parte delle istituzioni e delle necessarie risorse. Negli ultimi anni infatti sono stati realizzati investimenti in tutta la Francia, stimolando la nascita di start-up e la crescita della cultura cyber, sia nelle organizzazioni statali che tra le imprese e i cittadini. Il distretto di Rennes, con il suo "Pôle d’excellence Cyber", è divenuto il motore dello sviluppo del settore. 
Inoltre la recente esercitazione nazionale francese, "Defnet 2019", svoltasi tra il 18 e il 29 marzo, nel corso della quale tra le novità è stato posto in risalto il ruolo del nuovo sistema di scambio di informazioni "Cybercodex" testato da tutti gli attori della catena di cyberdefence. 

L'esercitazione Locked Shield 2019 prevedeva Blue Teams in difesa dei circa 4000 sistemi IT virtuali rappresentanti i sistemi nazionali, e Red Teams in attacco, responsabili di circa 2500 attacchi. I Blue Teams in primo luogo sono stati chiamati a proteggere servizi vitali e infrastrutture critiche per la sopravvivenza della nazione che rappresentavano ma anche a prendere decisioni strategiche, assieme ai decisori civili o a compiere analisi di intelligence e forense.

Al secondo posto la Repubblica Ceca, che si conferma tra gli stati più attivi e avanzati nel campo.

Alessandro Rugolo 

sabato 13 aprile 2019

Apple to host annual Worldwide Developers Conference June 3-7 in San Jose

Press release

Cupertino, California — Apple today announced it will host its annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose from June 3 through June 7 at the McEnery Convention Center. Now in its 30th year, Apple’s biggest event will bring together the world’s most innovative and creative developers. With more than 1.4 billion devices now running iOS, macOS, watchOS or tvOS, WWDC 2019 will give attendees insight into the future of these platforms and work alongside the Apple engineers behind the technologies and frameworks developers rely on. 

WWDC 2019 will deliver the latest Apple news from the keynote stage and celebrate the breakthrough work of developers who are creating new experiences in areas including machine learning, augmented reality, health and fitness, and more. This year’s program will feature technical sessions, hands-on labs and guest speakers to provide Apple’s existing developer community and the next generation of app developers with the knowledge and tools to help turn their next great idea into reality.   

“WWDC is Apple’s biggest event of the year. It brings thousands of the most creative and dedicated developers from around the world together with over a thousand Apple engineers to learn about our latest platform innovations and to connect as a community,” said Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Our developers are incredibly passionate about creating the next generation of mind-blowing experiences for the world through apps. We can’t wait to get together whith them and share what’s next.” 
Developers can apply for tickets today through March 20 at 5 p.m. PDT through the WWDC website. Tickets are issued through a random selection process, and developers will be notified of their application status by March 21 at 5 p.m. PDT. Developers and Apple enthusiasts everywhere can live-stream the conference on the WWDC app for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV as well as through the Apple Developer website. 

Students are an integral part of the Apple developer community, and last year WWDC saw attendance from student developers spanning 41 different countries. Up to 350 WWDC scholarships are available this year, providing students and members of all STEM organizations an opportunity to earn a free ticket and lodging for WWDC. Details on how to apply are now available on the WWDC website.

martedì 9 aprile 2019

“From Cloud to Cloud Intelligence” – Alibaba Cloud Outlines Strategic Upgrade after a Decade of Success

Press release

Product launches in China to broaden Internet and digital technology adoption and empower ecosystem.

Beijing, March 21, 2019 – Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing and data intelligence arm of Alibaba Group, unveiled at its Beijing Summit the new strategy to develop the company into a more technologically inclusive platform. Jeff Zhang, President of Alibaba Cloud and Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Group, for the first time elaborated publicly on the strategic upgrade of the business – evolving to serve as a key component of the Alibaba Business Operating System, and empowering customers and ecosystem partners to win in the digital era. Over 3,000 ecosystem partners and industry practitioners attending the Summit have shared the development journey of the company over the past 10 years.

Cloud computing is becoming the main business focus of Alibaba Group and over the past decade Alibaba Cloud has been the technology and public cloud platform underpinning the entire Alibaba economy from e-commerce and payment, to logistics and supply chain management. The scalability, reliability, and security of Alibaba Cloud are paramount to the business and the platform has successfully sustained real-world tests on a daily basis, most notably during the Alibaba 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, the scale of which provides one of the biggest stress tests possible. Businesses of all sizes have leveraged these proven successes to grow and innovate in China and overseas.

Becoming an enabler of SaaS
“Alibaba has championed cloud computing in China over the past 10 years and has been at the forefront of rapid technology development. Today, Alibaba Cloud not only provides infrastructural support to the entire Alibaba economy but has also developed proven technologies to empower millions of customers in China and worldwide, significantly lowering cloud adoption barriers, ensuring inclusive access, and enabling collaboration throughout the ecosystem,” said Jeff Zhang.
“In the future, our highly compatible and standards-based platform will allow SaaS partners to onboard easily and thrive. The offerings will also be enriched by our continued investment in research through the Damo Academy, that will align data science with the development of our products. To empower all participants in our ecosystem, we will boost the integrated development of technology, products and services on our open platform,” he added.
Alibaba Cloud is the IaaS market leader in China with a larger share than the sum of the second to eighth players. The development of the IaaS market meant that in 2018, the cost of technology adoption for businesses in China has reduced significantly compared to 10 years ago.

New product launches to facilitate cloud adoption in China
Adoption of the cloud is expected to continue and become more immersive in the traditional sectors across China. The importance of digital intelligence will become more apparent as enterprises need to derive deeper business insights, make data-driven decisions, and take real-time actions. Alibaba Cloud will continue to invest in technological research and development, ensuring that the company has the capability to offer powerful computing and Internet-based technology products for the further adoption of cloud and data intelligence.

Over the past decade, Alibaba Cloud has developed 162 products and activated 4,610 product features and functions, an average of more than one a day. At the summit, the company announced a full suite of new products in China, with 3 highlights – a super-computing product, a cloud-native database as well as the accelerator to boost the SaaS ecosystem:

  • X-dragon Super-Computing Cluster instance SCC-GN6: The most powerful super-computing bare-metal server instance launched by the company to date, with the capability to enhance the cluster performance by more than 100%. This new instance provides 50 Gbps of RDMA networking throughput, 96 custom Intel Skylake vCPUs, 8 NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs, providing a total of 1000 TFlops to computational throughput, and high-performance parallel file system CPFS with 1TB/s R/W throughput. SCC-GN6 supports supercomputing scenarios such as autonomous driving, machine interpretation, natural language processing and recommendation systems.
  • PolarDB: A cloud-native relational database service that is designed for enterprise-grade database applications. PolarDB is compatible with Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL and offers excellent scalability with the architecture of hardware-software co-design. It can scale up to 88vCPUs and 710GB of memory and allows customers to pay for usage by the minute, enabling customers to handle a business peak traffic while minimizing cost. It can also scale up to 100TB in storage which helps customers cope with big data development.
  • SaaS Accelerator: A highly efficient and agile platform where ecosystem partners can easily build and launch SaaS applications and leverage Alibaba’s proven business and technology know-how. The accelerator helps SaaS customers quickly deploy and test their applications on the cloud, shorten the implementation lifecycle, and accelerate time-to-market. It features an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface and launch kit while remaining highly compatible with other application programming interfaces (APIs). With the accelerator, a smart SaaS application can go live in as little as five days.

For more information about 2019 Beijing Alibaba Cloud Summit and to view Jeff Zhang’s keynote speech from the event, go to:

About Alibaba Cloud
Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, the cloud computing and data intelligence arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers, according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.